One of my Massachusetts cousins is having a baby at the end of August, and I wasn't able to go to her shower- gas prices, you know. I decided to send her a Target gift card.
Now, I live in Lewiston-Auburn, where we don't have Target. I live in Maine, where we don't have
Super Targets. I know.
Woe is me. My Target options are Topsham, Augusta or South Portland. Topsham is the closest, so I went there with Liam and picked up the gift card today.
I don't know if I have ever mentioned this but I love Target. I'm not going to justify my love for a corporation or consumerism (I also love Old Navy, Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie, so stick it) but I really do love Target. Being in there yesterday reminded me of how much I need to live closer to a Target, or write a very convincing petition to have one opened in Auburn.
I walked in past the women's and juniors clothes, awed by the colors and cuts. We looked at the toy section and got all wide-eyed at the fun selection. The part that hurt the most was the kids' clothes because
ohhhhh they were so cute and
reasonably priced but what hurt the most was that
I can't afford any of it.
I know.
Woe is me.
Times are tough for the McCourtney-Wolfs and even though I wanted to get one of every shirt in every size, and buy soft jammies, and stock up on pants and shorts, I managed to justify buying three shirts for Liam. Two were on clearance, and one was just... amazing. There was more I wanted, but I did the math and it would have been a bad idea. As it is, I need to return my swim suit bottom and a duplicate article of clothing we got for Liam's birthday at Wal-Mart to cover these three shirts purchased. Four would have pushed it- and five, and six, and seven, etc. Sad, isn't it?
This is why I love Target:


These will continue the cuteness, as Liam is already the proud owner of this Target find:

And this is the shirt I paid full price for because...

It's a freakin' Beatles shirt for my little son!!!
With a cartoon of the Beatles on it! My mom and my brother Isaac will be absolutely tickled to see their grandson/nephew in a Beatles shirt. Not to mention Gabe and I being absolutely tickled to
see our son in a Beatles shirt.
Emmeline, if you're reading this: I hope they have these at your lovely local Super Target for your boy. I thought of you right away when I saw it. Well, after I thought,
Holy moly! It's a Beatles shirt!Also I had to tear myself away from the crib/ toddler bed set that was clearanced for $55 and the larger-than-Liam stuffed dog on clearance for $12.