Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Serenity Now

I need to compose myself. I need to find peace.

I was innocently browsing Facebook today when I came across an ad from the group of Mainers who are trying to protect traditional marriage from those scary gays.

On Facebook I am a member of the Maine Freedom to Marry Coalition and I already emailed my representative to encourage the end to discrimination. It means more to me than I am comfortable saying right now because I am so flippin' mad and my head is swarming with adults-only words, piss and vinegar, and spitting insults.

When I need to calm Liam down, sometimes we watch these videos, and they relax us both. I need them right now.

Breathe, Nora.

1 comment:

Justi said...

Great blog! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog faves. YOu can add me to yours, as well...

Justi--fellow June 07 mommy